This weekend I was invited to deliver a keynote address at the Speaking Out 2012 self advocacy conference put on by the New Vision Advocates, London; Action Committee, Walkerton; Dream Weavers, Burlington; Wiarton Willies; and New Day, Essex. It was my job to open the conference up with a new and improved version of my “Learn how to walk” presentation, which went quite smoothly despite some technical glitches. I met a ton of amazing people after my presentation and it makes me really, really excited to see so many inspired and passionate advocates with disabilities all ready to change the world one step at a time. I should also note I found this conference particularly impressive due to the large scale and the fact as it was put together by self advocates, for self advocates, with an awesome turnout from across the province. All said, the organizers should be really proud of the event they put together and know that it has had a significant impact on the lives of each and every participant. Great job!
Speaking Out 2012: A Conference For Self Advocates