I took a trip west of London tonight to speak to a Scouts troop based out of Komoka. It’s always a great time heading to the country and spending time in lovely small towns like Komoka. The Scouts were an excellent audience and had some really great questions about life with a disability. Thank you to the Scout leaders for inviting me out and I hope to see you again soon.
Author: Jeffrey Preston
Born with a rare neuromuscular myopathy, Jeff has spent his life dedicated to advocating for himself and others with disabilities. With a PhD in Media Studies from Western University, Jeff's research focuses on the representation of disability in popular and digital culture. Jeff is currently an Assistant Professor of Disability Studies at King's University College @ Western University in London, ON.
This morning I presented a paper on the medical industrial complex at the “Cripples, Idiots, Lepers, and Freaks: Extraordinary Bodies / Extraordinary Minds” Conference at CUNY. Focused on representations of disability in Science Fiction, my panel also featured two tremendous papers presented by Eric Wallenstein (Texas University) and Jeffry Iovannone (SUNY Buffalo). Some early highlights of this conference so far was hanging out with Dr. Beth Haller (writer of this great book on disability and media) and Dr. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (whom the conference was titled after). I also got to meet one of my person heroes, Simi Linton, which was amazing.
I had the honour of keynoting the “Reclaiming Our Bodies and Minds Conference” at Ryerson this morning, presenting on the medical industrial complex and resistance to ableism. It was great seeing some old friends at the conference who drove down from Ottawa for the con and I made some lovely new friends. I love going to events like this because it’s so energizing to see so many people fighting for disability rights in our community.
A huge thank you to the organizers of the event for inviting me and big ups to Jenny Blaser for all her hard work putting this great event together!
Night of Heroes event
Although not a “speaking engagement” so to speak, tonight I was asked to be a part of Community Living London’s “Night of Heroes” fundraiser. I was teamed up with my old friend Mark Anderson (who I met on the London Accessibility Advisory Committee at City Hall many moons ago) to strut down the runway in a pseudo fashion show that was more about dancing then being particularly fashionable…which is a good thing because we all know I’m not the most fashionable gent out there. Unfortunately, I’m not much of a dancer either and was definitely shown up by the Mayor of Sarnia, Mike Bradley. That guy can really cut a rug.
A great night, through and through, with a ton of money raised for a great cause.

Keynote at York University
Yesterday I was in Toronto, giving a keynote presentation on creative resistance and the disability movement entitled “Battle Lines Drawn.” The presentation went off without a hitch to a near-packed auditorium, including several security guards who may or may not have been under the impression I was intending on literally blowing up a few stairwells at York. Whoops. After the presentation I had the pleasure of delivering a private guest lecture to students in the Critical Disability Studies program, who were full of challenging questions about my research.
Huge thanks to Kaley Roosen and her planning team for putting on this fabulous event and I look forward to coming back sometime in the near future for some more stair bombing!
This week I had the chance to screen “Idling: A Transit Story” at Ryerson University and deliver a short presentation about my trip to Ottawa in ’08. After the presentation I accompanied some students around campus for some good ol’ fashion stairbombing before calling it a day. Huge thank you to Ryerson for being so supportive and I look forward to seeing you in the new year at the RyeACCESS conference.
As a part of “Social Justice Week,” Jeff’s documentary “Idling: A Transit Story” will be screened on Tuesday, November 2nd at Carleton University, followed by a short Q & A with Jeff.
“Idling” is an exploration into the world of accessible transportation in Ontario and chronicles Jeff’s marathon to Ottawa in 2008. The trailer for the doc can be seen on YouTube.
When: November 2, 2011 @ 6pm
Where: University Centre Atrium (4th floor), Carleton University
RSVP: Here on Facebook
Deeds Not Words

Interview in “The Scoop”
Last week I was interviewed for the summer issue of “The Scoop” by Independent Living Canada. You can check out the full e-magazine here, or read my excerpt below. Thanks to Erica Carson for putting up with my rambling nature.
60 SECONDS WITH…Jeff Preston!
From your Mobilize March to Cripz: a web comic and speaking engagements you have used several ways of communicating your message about a “Mobilized Lifestyle”. Which methods have you found to be the most successful, the most original, and which is the most challenging?
Identifying “effectiveness” is always difficult, especially in something as quantitative as advocacy so it’s tough to say which of my recent insanities was most successful. The Mobilize March was definitely the hardest and probably had the biggest “broad” impact in that it was an opportunity to engage in direct conversations with media and government across the province, drawing a tremendous amount of traffic to the website and an on-going legacy through the online documentary “Idling: A Transit Story.” The most original idea, or continually original, is the webcomic. I really enjoy doing Cripz because it’s an opportunity to talk candidly about disability and have a laugh at inaccessibility. It’s also an opportunity for some interesting creative resistance opportunities, like Stairbombing, which aim to use the power of art as ammunition in the fight for disability rights.
Tell us a bit about Cripz: A web comic, how did you come up with the idea and what role do you think it plays in terms of disability activism?
Cripz: A Webcomic was an idea my girlfriend, Clara Madrenas, and I came up with a few years ago aimed at reframing the discussion around what it means to be disabled and what life with a disability is truly like. We both found the average representations of disability in the media were horrible, so we decided to start telling our own stories through Clara’s wonderful art skills and my web savvy.Cripz tells the story of three teens, two who are in wheelchairs, as they try and make their way through the dangerous world of high school in Ontario. The two disabled characters, Rhett and Griff, are polar opposites of each other as Rhett is a radical disability revolutionary who seeks the armed overthrow of the ableist majority while Griff is mostly interested in making money and getting girls. The third character, Kate, is the glue that holds the group together as she plays a happy medium between the two, with equal parts of Rhett’s brains and Griff’s charisma.
I guess the biggest motivator to putting together Cripz is a labour of love—we really enjoy the story and the characters and are compelled to produce it for close friends and ourselves. In many ways, Cripz is a bit of therapy for us, as it’s a chance laugh at the tragedy of ignorance in our community and the absurdity of government policy. Broadly speaking though, we hope Cripz will help people “lighten up” about disability, realize it’s not all doom and gloom, and maybe be inspired a bit by characters like Rhett and become more radical in their day-to-day resistance of ableism.
On your website and web comic you allow your readers the opportunity to provide comments and reactions. Is this a valuable process? How do you use this feedback? Which issue of “Cripz” has received the most feedback and why do you think this is?
We think it’s always important to provide an opportunity to start discussions. Unfortunately, people don’t seem to really engage on websites anymore, opting to keep discussions to places like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. It’s interesting because we have had some great discussions about episodes of the comic, but most of them have happened elsewhere and not on the website itself. One of our most “contentious” episodes, which had the most comments both and on off the website, was called “Ridiculous” and focused on a poll run in the London Free Press. The local paper asked “Spending $12M on London crosswalk traffic-light buttons is: Ridiculous or Reasonable?” As you probably expected, 86% of over 1000 votes went with “Ridiculous.” Of course, what they left out in this discussion was that the expense was, in part, because the city wanted to install crosswalk buttons that were accessible for people who are blind/low vision and this cost is only fractionally more expensive than it would be if inaccessible buttons were installed—the real expense is the physical labour to install the devices. To parody this, we made a comic about a blind man getting run over by a car and a wealthy onlooker claiming that accessible buttons are clearly a waste of taxpayer money. This episode was featured on a couple local blogs, was retweeted a ton on twitter, and was picked up by the London Free Press in an attempt to save face on their brutal poll. I think this story really shows the power of satire and humour when fighting for disability rights—people thought the strip was cheeky and cute and, as such, passed it on to their friends until it became too big for the LFP to ignore. Its unlikely people would pass around pissed off letter to the editor with the same vigor because that stuff is such a bummer to read.
Cripz often serves as a critique of society and media representations of disabled people especially your episode “Starring Role”, have you noticed any considerable changes in media representations in the past 5 years? Explain.
It’s really hard to say if the media is getting better at disability or not. There are certainly ebbs and flows when it comes to news coverage of disability, as you will get one really insightful and critical story followed by a paternalistic piece of trash. I think there are a growing number of “cool” disabled characters in the mainstream media, including a very progressive representation of spinal cord injury on the show Friday Night Lights and the always hilarious South Park and Family Guy that poke fun at the stupidity of disabled characters in other shows. What we really need are more people with disabilities getting involved in the production and distribution of media pieces—that’s how things will improve the fastest.
From your website it is apparent that you use many social networking tools. Which do you find is the most valuable to connect with your audience? Which do you think has the most potential?
Twitter is an amazingly active community, despite being quite small and specialized in Canada. We’ve made some really great friends on Twitter over the past year and they’ve been really helpful in pushing out the content and getting more people reading our work. We’ve also found some great discussion on content aggregator websites like Reddit and Stumbleupon, where we’re able to reach a population that have little contact with people with disabilities, which is one of our primary targets when producing the comic.
At Independent Living Canada, we recognize the critical importance of youth leadership in the disability community, what do you see as being your role as a young leader in the community?
Sacrificial Lamb? Turncoat? In all seriousness, this is a question I’ve asked myself before and I can’t say I have a satisfying answer for you. I’ve often wondered what role I could play and, more specifically, what roles need filling. Compared to the civil rights movement in the USA, does the disabled community need a moral leader like Dr Martin Luther King? What about a media savvy one like Malcom X? Or militant leaders like Huey Freeman? I’m not so sure disability rights is comparable to some of these past struggles, and rather, we all need to make a bit of revolution happen in our own lives, every day, rather than waiting on someone else to do it for us. Isn’t that part of the problem to begin with, being reliant on other people to do everything for us? With a group as diverse as the disabled community, it’s impossible to have just one or two leaders—we all must be leaders and we all need to get to work!But if we decide to take up arms and overthrow the normies, I vote Rhett to be our General.