
Letter to the Accessible Public Transit Advisory Committee

Picture of an LTC bus with the words "Accessible" written above

Several months ago I attempted to board a bus and was informed that London bus drivers would no longer ask nondisabled riders to vacate accessible spots to allow a wheelchair user to board. I was then informed this is what “you people” wanted, to be treated “like everyone else”…which I guess means “badly.” After weeks of discussion I was finally invited to make a presentation at the Accessible Public Transit Advisory Committee (APTSAC) meeting in August, who will make a recommendation to the Commission at the end of August. This is the letter I have submitted to the committee in anticipation of my delegate status.

Speaking Engagements

New Vision Advocates Meeting

Earlier today I was invited to speak at the New Vision Advocates meeting, a group created by Community Living London to encourage and train individuals with disabilities to become self advocates. It was a great group of highly engaged people of all ages hoping to share their experiences of disability with others while fighting to make London a better place to live. The group even spent a bit of time after my presentation brain storming some ideas how to improve access on the local city busses as a response to a recent change in LTC policy that limits access to accessible seating on adapted busses. Made some great new friends today and I look forward to seeing the work they do in the near future.