The plan for today was to edit and upload the video footage of the past week into a nice little vlog. I was looking over the footage and Pete has definitely out done himself this time around–he totally pulled some crazy Scorsese stuff. Unfortunately, my computer decided this was a horrible idea and rebelled the entire day. First my external hard drive kept coming undocked in the middle of the import process, then iMovie kept freezing in the middle of editing, and now YouTube is being temperamental. A process that usually takes a few hours has honestly taken all day and I’m about ready to throw this laptop out the window. Okay…not actually. I love this laptop like a child, but it’s definitely driving me a little crazy right now.
I think YouTube has finally decided to stop being a little priss, so while the video uploads I’ll lay out the strategy over the next few days. Tomorrow we head off to Napanee for the night. To be honest, I have no idea what (or if) the Internet situation is going to be like there, so there’s a potential there will be no blog tomorrow night, but never fear, I will write one tomorrow night regardless and publish it once we get into Kingston the following day. That’s right, we’re doing another back-to-back drive: Napanee on Sunday and Kingston on Monday. Kingston is going to be a nice little respite between drives, giving me a day to relax and meet up with the Mayor before heading into the great abyss of the Epic Drive on Wednesday. Tomorrow will also be the first time I’ll be driving with only one vehicle! Sam is currently back in London at her convocation, leaving Pete and I to fend for ourselves on the road tomorrow and on Monday. Meeting us in Kingston on Monday night, Sam will then be trading off with Pete, who is heading home for his convocation. This of course means Sam and I will be tackling the epic drive by ourselves. It’s going to be interesting driving along with only one van, although I’m kind of looking forward to not looking at the back of Sam’s van for the few rides…the lack of exhaust pipe in my face will also be appreciated.
Hallelujahs! YouTube is finally co-operating and has uploaded the video blog! You can check it out at:
And on that note, I’m going to bed!
…stupid computer
– Jeff