Just got this call for youth with disabilities to participant in a Youth Activist Forum in Ottawa. You should come, we’re going: Jeff will be making a presentation and running a workshop.
Registration is open for the Youth Activist Forum hosted by Citizens with Disabilities-Ontario in partnership with the Council of Canadians with Disabilities. This event will bring young people together to meet established and emerging disability mentors. The Forum will include a performance night with disabled artists, discussions lead by disability leaders from Canada and the United States, and workshops where youth participants will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and interests. We are looking for youth with and without disabilities aged 16-30 from across Ontario to attend this exciting event to be held at Carleton University in Ottawa, ON from June 3-5th. We are still fundraising, and hope to cover all or a portion of travel, lodging and accessibility costs for participants. Know anyone who might be interested?
Registration and more information available here: http://www.cwdo.org/d/content/youth-activist-forum
Please circulate widely!
The Youth Activist Forum Planning Committee